SEC: X Account Compromised Through Phone Number Control in SIM Swap Hack

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) recently faced a significant cybersecurity breach when its X (formerly Twitter) account was hacked on January 9, 2024. This incident put the financial regulatory agencies’ security measures in the spotlight and their presence on social media platforms.

Incident review

On the afternoon of January 9, an unauthorized party acquired control of the phone number associated with the SEC’s X account through a “SIM swap” attack. This allowed the hacker to post misleading information about the Commission’s approval of spot bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The fake announcement, made at 4:11 PM ET, was followed by a second post that said “$BTC”, which was later deleted. While SEC officials responded quickly by deleting the unauthorized posts and alerting the public, the incident has already caused confusion and anxiety among investors and market participants.​​​​

Vulnerabilities in cyber security

Investigations revealed that the SEC disabled multi-factor authentication (MFA) for his X account in July 2023 and re-enabled it only after the incident. The lack of this extra layer of security made the account more vulnerable to such attacks. The SEC has since re-enabled MFA on all of its social media accounts that offer this feature​​​​

Wider implications

This incident highlights the importance of robust cyber security measures for financial regulators, especially when sensitive market information is communicated. The ease with which the hacker was able to spread false information highlights the potential risks associated with regulators using social media platforms for official announcements. It also raises questions about the readiness of such institutions to defend against increasingly sophisticated cyber threats.

Regulatory and legal responses

The SEC, along with the US Department of Justice, the FBI, the Cyber ​​Division of the Department of Homeland Security, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and the SEC’s Inspector General and Enforcement Division, are actively investigating the incident. This cooperation signifies the seriousness with which the US government treats cybersecurity threats to its financial regulatory institutions.


The hack of the SEC’s X account is a wake-up call for regulatory agencies around the world to reevaluate their cybersecurity protocols, especially in an era where digital platforms play a critical role in the dissemination of vital financial information. Ensuring the integrity and security of these communication channels is paramount to maintaining investor confidence and the smooth functioning of financial markets.

Image source: Shutterstock

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