What is Resume Worded? | Blockchain News


Resume Worded is an AI-powered career platform designed to help job seekers improve their resumes and LinkedIn profiles. This innovative tool offers instant feedback and actions taken, making it a significant help in the job application process.

Developed with input from top recruiters, Formulated CV uses AI technology to provide instant, personalized feedback on resumes and LinkedIn profiles. Its goal is to help users get more interviews and job opportunities by optimizing their profiles and resumes against recruiter and hiring manager criteria​​​​

Basic functions

Instant Resume Review: Resume Worded offers a quick resume evaluation service called “Evaluate My Resume.” This feature evaluates a resume based on key criteria used by recruiters and hiring managers. In just 30 seconds, users get actionable steps to improve their resume, increasing their chances of securing more interviews.

Resume Targeting: The platform analyzes job descriptions and identifies critical keywords and skills missing from a user’s resume. This helps in tailoring the resume to a specific job, which greatly increases the chances of getting interviews.

LinkedIn Optimization: In addition to resume reviews, Resume Worded provides feedback on optimizing LinkedIn profiles. By enhancing a LinkedIn profile, users can generate more leads and job opportunities.

AI-based technology: The AI ​​technology behind Resume Worded was created by hiring managers, ensuring feedback is practical and actionable. It has been effective in helping hundreds of people land jobs at leading companies such as PwC, Google, Amazon and Credit Suisse​​.

Career platform for students: Resume Worded also benefits students by offering AI-based career services that include resume reviews, referrals and LinkedIn reviews. This helps improve student outcomes and increase efficiency in the job search process.

User experience

Resume Worded’s impact on users’ job searches is significant. Many users report a complete transformation in their job search experience after using Resume Worded. It helped them recognize and correct critical mistakes in their resumes, resulting in more callbacks and positive responses from companies. The platform’s newsletter and other tools, such as network templates, were also praised for their usefulness.​​​​​​

However, some users note that the platform may not be suitable for everyone. There have been concerns about its effectiveness for people in non-tech or non-executive roles, and some users have experienced less than satisfactory customer support​​. There is also room for improvement in the platform’s ability to accurately scan documents.

Worded Pro resume pricing plans

Monthly plan: Priced at $49 per month, this plan can be canceled at any time. It is suitable for those who prefer a short-term commitment or are in the midst of an active job search.

Quarterly plan: This is the most popular option, offering a 30% discount at $33 per month, billed as $99 every three months. The plan is ideal for job searches that can last 3-6 months, allowing users to tailor their resumes to different jobs and industries.

Annual plan: Offering the best value with a 60% discount, this plan costs $19 per month, billed as a one-time payment of $229. It’s the most flexible plan, serving all types of job seekers, whether they’re actively applying for jobs, changing careers, or passively looking for work.


For those looking for alternatives to Resume Worded, several options are available:

Standard Resume: Offers a system that starts with importing LinkedIn profile data and provides a resume scoring system.

Teal: a complete platform for creating and managing resumes throughout the job search process.

Jobscan: A tool to assess how well a resume matches a specific job description and provide recommendations for improvement.

ineedaresu.me: A completely free and basic resume builder, perfect for those looking for a simple tool with no extra features.

VisualCV: Supports creating both resumes and resumes with over 30 customizable templates.


Resume Worded stands out as a valuable tool for job seekers looking to improve their chances of securing interviews and opportunities. Its AI-driven approach to resume and LinkedIn profile optimization, combined with its easy-to-use interface and actionable feedback, makes it a powerful ally in the job search process. Although it has proven to be effective for many users, it is important to consider individual career needs and preferences when choosing a resume optimization tool. For those looking for different features or areas of focus, the mentioned alternatives offer a range of functionalities to suit different job application needs.

Image source: Shutterstock

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