Mantle (MNT) Network Launches Mainnet v2 Tectonic

Mantle Network has completed its Mainnet v2 Tectonic upgrade, delivering low gas fees and improved EVM interoperability.

Mantle Network, a player in the layer 2 technology space has officially completed the transition to its Mainnet v2 Tectonic upgrade, a move that ushers in a new era of cost-effective and interoperable blockchain transactions. With this upgrade, Mantle Network aims to position itself as one of the most efficient Ethereum Tier 2 solutions in terms of transaction fees and cross-chain functionality.

The Mainnet v2 Tectonic upgrade is a step up from its predecessor, built on the robust OP Stack Bedrock framework. The network has been thoroughly audited by leading security firms such as OpenZeppelin, Secure3 and Sigma Prime, ensuring the highest levels of security and reliability for its users.

A key feature of the upgrade is support for EIP-1559, a change to the Ethereum protocol that significantly improves transaction fee pricing mechanisms, stabilizes block usage, and improves network security. This integration is expected to lead to more predictable and often lower fees for users, addressing one of the significant pain points in the Ethereum ecosystem.

Another critical improvement is the streamlining of the block generation process. Mantle v2 Tectonic departs from the transaction-dependent block generation of the previous version, adopting a fixed schedule that produces blocks every two seconds. This change allows for multiple transactions per block, which greatly improves throughput and provides users with consistent transaction times.

The Mantle upgrade also includes the migration of the MNT token to a native L2 asset, eliminating the dependency on the ERC-20 contract used in Mantle v1. This change is expected to streamline the flow of tokens on the network, reflecting a more integrated and fluid ecosystem for MNT token holders.

The introduction of meta transactions is another innovative feature aimed at improving the user experience. This mechanism allows transaction fees to be subsidized, which can lower barriers to entry for new users unfamiliar with the complexities of blockchain transactions.

Additionally, Mantle v2 Tectonic has refined its fee optimization strategy by implementing a tokenRatio parameter to change the impact of using $MNT for transaction fees, coupled with an improved EstimateGas feature, providing users with better cost estimates for their transactions.

For Mantle Network users, this upgrade may require specific actions to adapt to the new system. The network has provided a comprehensive guide to navigating the Mainnet v2 Tectonic upgrade to help users during this transition.

As the Mantle Network continues to evolve, it is solidifying its position in the market as an innovative force in the decentralized technology landscape. With a community-centric approach, Mantle invites users to join the conversation through social platforms such as Twitter, Telegram and Discord, fostering a collaborative environment for growth and development in the blockchain space.

Looking ahead, Mantle Network’s Mainnet v2 Tectonic upgrade is expected to set new standards for scalability, efficiency and user experience, paving the way for wider adoption of decentralized technologies.

Image source: Shutterstock

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